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Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At Citrus Group, we believe that equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is integral to a thriving modern workplace. Our EDI strategy sets out our continued commitment to promoting equal opportunities and diversity within the company and outlines our clear vision for a genuinely inclusive culture at Citrus Group.

While the Equality Act 2010 places a legal duty on us, with which we must comply, we strive to go beyond our commitment to embed a company-wide culture of inclusion.

Our strategy is built on three core pillars to ‘Realign’, ‘Reassure’ and ‘Remind’ and reflects our belief that true equality, diversity and inclusion is more than just policies and procedures. It is a way of thinking and behaving we must embed in all we do and how we think about ourselves and our work.

EDI is a priority for us, underpinning the actions and expectations of the organisation. Everyone – our leadership team, employees, and associates - recognises its value and the critical role it plays in attracting the best people to work with us, retaining our staff and associates, and providing the best, most inclusive, and accessible services for our clients.

Our Policy and Strategy

We all have an important contribution to make to create an environment where our employees, associates and learners feel valued and can be themselves. So, while our strategy is created with input from both the Leadership Team and Employee Representatives from our EDI Committee, our strategic plan is fluid. We welcome and actively encourage all members of the Citrus Group family to come forward with new ideas to keep building upon our success as an inclusive employer and service provider.

Our Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy sets out our commitment to ensure fairness and equality, with our core belief that all people deserve respect and dignity. We promote a supportive, understanding, safe and pleasant environment where all can realise their potential, regardless of our differences.

Our Committees

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee was formed in 2021 and includes Senior Leadership Team members and employee representatives. The Committee work together to raise awareness of EDI and ensure that our strategy, policies, processes, training and work environment are inclusive safe spaces. In addition, we promote equal opportunities for our employees, associates and learners within our workplace and our teaching and learning environments.

Our EDI Committee members are:

  • Kate Searle (BMC)
  • Caroline Graham (ASL)
  • Carolyn Brookes (CTL)
  • Charlotte Slater(CTL)
  • James Bailey (CTL)
  • Keighley Martindale (CTL)
  • Nadine Searle (CTL)
  • Phil Eddy (BBE)
  • Sarah Parsons (ASL)
  • Vikki Medlin (CTL)

In addition, our EDI Champions work at all levels of the business to help create a fair, accepting, inclusive and educated culture allowing colleagues, learners and visitors to feel welcome, cared for, safe and valued.

In a voluntary role, the EDI Champions actively increase the visibility and advocate the Company's commitment to EDI by acting as role models for fairness and compassion within the business. In addition, they raise awareness of our EDI initiatives and policies and act as a point of contact for anyone who has a concern and needs support.

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